Saturday, 16 November 2013

AAMDC - Update - November 15, 2013

I have just returned from the Alberta Association of Municipal Districts & Counties (AAMDC) fall convention.

It was the opportunity to meet a number of councillors from all around Alberta along with many of the Honorable Ministers for the Province of Alberta.

It was great to be able to put faces to names and allow them to do the same for me. 

I believe it was a very productive 4 days having meetings with Ric McIvor, Minister of Transportation, Doug Griffiths, Minister of Municipal Affairs, Kyle Fawcett, Associate Minister for Recovery & Reconstruction, Dave McGee, Alberta Environment and many others.

I was able to share your concerns with many and ensure that they know who we are down here in the Foothills.

I believe I was able to establish good relationships with many that will work in our favor moving forward to getting things accomplished.

More to come...

All the best,

Connect with me on: Website - Facebook - Twitter

Tuesday, 12 November 2013

Lest We Forget - Update - November 11, 2013

Today we remember all of our fallen soldiers that have sacrificed so much for us. 

I had the honor of representing the M.D. of Foothills for the Remembrance Day Ceremony at the Oil Fields High School in Black Diamond.  I was touched by the amazing turnout of residents that packed the gymnasium to pay tribute.  We owe so much to so many so it was nice to see how many people took the time out of their schedules to attend.

The ceremony was a great tribute and I thank you for inviting me to attend.

Let Us Never Forget.


Connect with me on: Website - Facebook - Twitter

Thursday, 7 November 2013

Flood Relief Update - November 5, 2013

Last night we had a meeting with Hugh Pettigrew, Deputy Director of Public Works and Engineering for the M.D. of Foothills and some of the engineers working on the flooding issues in our area at the Millarville School.  It was nice to see that we are making progress.  

The engineers presented a plan that includes 4 phases the first hoping to take place in December.  

There were a few items that I mentioned last night that I also wanted to remind you of:
  1. The DRP (Disaster Recovery Program) deadline is November 30/13.  Details can be found here:
  2. DRP office hours in Black Diamond are Wednesday, Nov 13, 1pm - 8pm at the Black Diamond Town Office, 301 Centre Ave W
  3. To be kept up to date, a few residents are creating a website for the community to have a one-stop location for you to go to.  For more information feel free to email me and I will forward you on to them.
I am here to help and support you in this process in any way I can.  If you were able to attend, thank you, if not, I hope you found this helpful.  

All the best,

Connect with me on: Website - Facebook - Twitter